About Us

The Healthy Contrarian is a group of private citizens dedicated to exposing the TRUTH about the real health breakthroughs available to Americans right now.

If you know where to look…

We believe that you deserve access to all of the information you need to make the best possible decisions for your health… and the health of your loved ones.

But in today’s mainstream medical climate… dominated by special interests, billion-dollar drug companies, and 10-minute “conveyor belt” medical appointments… that’s just not happening. 

There are groundbreaking medical therapies from around the world that most Americans are never told about. That’s just not how our health care system works.

And that’s why we founded the Healthy Contrarian. We’re committed to bringing you the longevity and disease-fighting breakthroughs that you’ll probably never hear about anywhere else.

The founders of the Healthy Contrarian have more than 30 years of combined experience in the health and publishing industries, working with some of the very top doctors in natural and complementary medicine to expose the TRUTH about potentially life-changing underground treatments.

The Healthy Contrarian keeps its members constantly informed on its latest research through “Extraordinary Health,” a monthly members-only newsletter and special, breaking email alerts.

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