9 Drug-Free Ways Seniors Can Feel Better Today

9 Drug-Free Ways
Seniors Can Feel Better Today

Dear friend,

Let’s cut to the chase: Getting older is a royal pain.

Below, you’ll find 9 ways you could start to feel better, almost overnightFrom increasing energy… to relieving back and joint pain… to erasing nagging anxiety… to getting stronger… this report is packed with drug-free tips and solutions written especially for people over 55.

We have also included a few carefully selected offers from our partners we hope will help you on your journey to a happier and healthier tomorrow. If you do purchase something from the offers, we may earn a commission that helps support our work.

Either way, I believe you’ll find this report extremely valuable.

To your very best days ahead,

Peter Miller
Healthy Contrarian & Healthy Senior

P.S. Our team of writers and researchers wrote this report using the best scientific data available to us. But please read the important notice on this page – it explains how this report should not be considered medical advice and you should check with your doctor before changing anything about your healthcare. That’s just good common sense!

Table of Contents


Before you dig in, please take a moment to review this important disclaimer about the research below.

All material in this publication is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication; instead, readers should consult their own doctor or other qualified health professionals on any matter relating to their health. The information and opinions provided in this publication are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the authors, but readers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. Healthy Senior/Healthy Contrarian make no warranties nor representations whatsoever regarding the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or usefulness of any information contained or referenced here. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.

Chapter 1: Get Back Your Strength

When you were young, you had muscles to spare.

Maybe you looked forward to beach season… or had no trouble throwing some weights around in the gym or basement.

But then middle age hits… and for lots of folks, things change FAST.

You can start losing muscle mass after 30… and the older you get, the worse the problem can become.

And this muscle loss (known as sarcopenia) isn’t just a vanity issue.

Sarcopenia can become very advanced by your senior years, and it can make you a sitting duck for dangerous falls and other health problems.

In fact, studies have consistently shown that people with sarcopenia are much more likely to suffer falls and bone breaks. That could land you in a hospital, long-term rehab, or even a nursing home.

So how do you fight back against sarcopenia, and start reclaiming some of that lost muscle?

A good first step is to talk to your doctor about creatine.

Creatine is a compound that’s naturally found in our muscles. And bodybuilders have been using it for years to increase muscle mass and get more out of their workouts.

Now it looks like creatine can help seniors add muscle, too.

In one small study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, 18 senior women took either creatine or a placebo during a resistance training program.

After 12 weeks, the women taking creatine experienced better gains in their bench press, knee extension, and bicep curls than the placebo group.

And, as you’d expect, they added more muscle, too.

In 2017, Canadian researchers performed a “meta-analysis” on creatine research, where they analyzed the data from multiple studies.

They concluded that research consistently showed that when seniors combine creatine with exercise, they experience greater gains in upper-body and lower-body strength.

Plus, they add, on average, about 3 pounds more lean body mass.

How does this all affect your ability to stay steady on your feet… and avoid dangerous accidents?

Well, previous studies have shown that seniors who supplement with creatine perform better on a “sit and stand” test, where you see how many times you can stand from a seated position in a certain period of time.

This is a good gauge of motor function, and, as researchers wrote, “this increased motor coordination could be effective for improving balance and preventing falls.”

Now, creatine comes with a bit of a catch…

Again, it’s often used by bodybuilders. And there are products on the market that carry pretty massive doses.

If you’re looking at a bottle that promises to turn you into a weightlifting monster and features a picture of a guy who looks like he just competed at the Olympics, it’s probably not something you want.

Your doctor can help you decide the most appropriate dose for you.

Chapter 2: Knock Out Nagging Back Pain

If you’re living with back pain, I don’t need to tell you how much it impacts your life.

And you’re not alone.

Back pain is the leading cause of disability in America.

And it’s the second most common reason for a doctor’s office visit, according to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA).

The ACA also says that lower back pain is the number one reason people are prescribed dangerously addictive opioids.

Luckily, there are a number of non-drug solutions that can help ease the pain.

Here are 5 ways to help relieve your back pain… and help you back to enjoying life!

  1. Retire that old mattress

If you’re sleeping on an old, worn-out mattress, take it to the dump!

A high-quality mattress that supports your neck and back can offer real relief for back pain.

And thanks to the recent innovation of “memory foam” mattresses, a new mattress may be a lot less expensive than you remember.

Note: Firmer isn’t always better! That’s a bit of a myth.

According to health.com, the way you sleep should dictate how firm a mattress you buy – as you want to be sure your mattress supports and aligns your spine.

They say, on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as the firmest), here’s what to look for depending on how you normally sleep:

      • Side sleeper? You need a slightly softer mattress in the 5.5 to 6.5 range for firmness.
      • Back sleeper? You need a solid medium-firm mattress and should aim for around a 6 to 7 on the firmness scale.
      • Stomach sleeper? You need a slightly firmer mattress in the 6.5 to 7.5 range, allowing for individual preferences.

Try searching “mattress for back pain” on Google, and you’ll find several websites that have compared top brands.

You’ll also see that a new, high-quality mattress can be had for under $1,000.

  1. Try the “Back Relief” diet

Foods that reduce inflammation can help with pain.

Try eating more foods that contain healthy fats (like flaxseed oil, avocado oil, olive oil, etc), as well as more fruits, vegetables, nuts, ginger, garlic, oatmeal, and lean meat.

On the other hand, the stuff that tastes the best unfortunately often increases inflammation in muscles and joints.

I’m talking about dairy, fried foods, refined carbs like bread, pasta and pastries, red meat, caffeine, alcohol, sugary foods and drinks, and any heavily processed foods.

  1. Get stuck on acupuncture

Although it’s considered “alternative medicine,” many seniors find pain relief with acupuncture.

In fact, the military has used it to help soldiers in pain.

Almost every town will have an acupuncture practitioner.

And don’t worry – the needles are so thin they don’t hurt.

All you’ll notice is the blessed relief.

  1. Get the massage

Studies have shown that massage therapy can reduce chronic back pain.

And, in a study that included 10 weekly massage sessions, the benefits lasted as long as 6 months!

Massage therapy improves circulation and reduces inflammation and swelling.

Plus, it feels great!

  1. Stretch it out

Yoga can be very effective at relieving back pain.

However, if you don’t feel like attending yoga classes, you may not need to.

A study found that stretching can be just as effective as yoga in relieving chronic back pain.

This study looked at 228 adults in the Seattle area, who complained of chronic back pain.

The participants were split into 3 groups.

One group practiced “self care” (they received a book about how to help improve their back pain).

Another group had a weekly yoga session.

And the third group had a weekly stretching session.

The yoga and stretching groups were also asked to practice their yoga or stretching every day for at least 20 minutes.

At the end of the study, both the yoga and stretching groups experienced similar levels of improvement.

In fact, more yoga and stretching participants reduced their medication use for back pain.

And those taking yoga or stretching classes also had better back functioning and were significantly more likely to rate their back pain as better or completely gone at all follow-up times.

It makes sense… Our muscles become shorter and less elastic as we get older.

Avoiding movement only makes these issues worse.

By stretching our backs and chests and keeping our shoulder joints and the joints in our back moving, we can avoid pain, improve posture and range of motion, and maintain a higher quality of life.

If you’re interested in learning an effective stretch for back pain, consider this message from our partner, Emily Lark…

Emily used to suffer from horrific back pain caused by a car accident that wasn’t her fault.

She tried many things and was on the verge of getting back surgery when she discovered an unusual stretch that HEALED her back pain & sciatica in just 30 seconds a day.

She never did get surgery.

And she doesn’t use painkillers.

Looking at her today, you’d never know she was once crippled by back pain.

This unusual stretch is so effective, Emily is now on a mission to share it with as many back pain sufferers as possible.

=> This 30-second stretch ERASES back pain & sciatica

Since discovering this stretch, Emily has taught it to thousands of back pain and sciatica sufferers all over the world, and their lives have been transformed…

Emily is ready to teach this one simple stretch to you today.

You can learn how to do it here:

=> This 30-second stretch ERASES back pain & sciatica

Chapter 3: Sleep Like A Teenager Again

Think about your favorite sports team…

You have the mega-stars – the guys who make millions and get all the TV commercials.

But then there are the underdogs.

There’s the guy on the roster who isn’t flashy, but always seems to come through in the clutch.

Well, the sleep supplement market is a lot like that.

Supplements like melatonin and GABA seem to get all of the attention.

And they’re both great… and have helped a lot of people.

But there’s an “underdog supplement” that flies under the radar and gets a lot less attention. And if you’re having trouble catching some shut-eye, it could hold the secret to giving you the best sleep of your life.

The Sleep Saver

Glycine is a crucial amino acid found in foods like meat and dairy.

You know, all of the stuff that the so-called “health experts” have been foolishly telling us not to eat for years.

But if you want to sleep better at night, and wake up energized and refreshed each morning…

Glycine could be the answer you and your doctor are looking for.

In a small 2007 study, Japanese researchers followed 11 adults with sleep trouble for multiple nights. They alternated giving them either 3 grams of glycine or a placebo within an hour before bedtime.

When the patients received glycine, they reported:

      • Greater sleep satisfaction
      • Falling asleep twice as fast
      • Better sleep efficiency (the time in bed spent sleeping)
      • Less daytime drowsiness

And in another study out of Japan, people who took 3 grams of glycine before bedtime reported feeling less fatigued, more lively and peppy, and more clear-headed.

And here’s where things get REALLY exciting…

What about those nights when you just can’t get your normal eight hours of sleep?

In a study published in 2012, researchers took a group of volunteers and cut their average sleep by 25% for three consecutive nights.

But as with the previous studies, they gave them either 3 grams of glycine or a placebo before bedtime.

Well, the folks who took glycine reported feeling less fatigued and sleepy during the day… and this was on 25% LESS sleep.

That’s what can happen with the better QUALITY sleep that glycine may provide.

So how does glycine work?

Well, studies have shown that it helps lower your core temperature, which is important for promoting sleep.

But it looks like there’s more to the story…

In an animal study published in 2015, researchers found that glycine activated receptors on something known as the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN).

That’s a big deal, because your SCN is like a “sleep switch” in your brain. It helps control your circadian rhythm… your natural sleep-wake cycle.

Glycine has been shown in study after study to help promote better sleep… and to be safe (which is important to both you and your doctor).

And like that underdog on your favorite sports team, glycine doesn’t break the bank.

If you’re interested in better sleep, talk to your doctor about glycine.

It’s available on major supplement sites like iherb.com and vitacost.com.

You should have plenty of options for less than $15.

Chapter 4: Banish the Aches and Pains

Living with joint or muscle pain is no joke.

Studies show pain can lead to anxiety and depression, poor sleep, and memory and concentration problems.

It’s even been shown to hurt your relationships with your loved ones and friends.

It’s natural to want relief… fast.

But if you’re popping NSAIDS (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) there’s something you should know.

NSAIDs include prescription drugs like Celebrex and Vioxx, as well as over-the-counter drugs like aspirin, Aleve, and Advil, among many others.

According to some estimates, these drugs – which are prescribed more than 100 million times a year in the U.S….

Put more than 100,000 people in the hospital annually and kill thousands of Americans every year.

Plus, most of these hospitalizations and deaths are in seniors… (Yes, the very folks who need pain relief most.)

Did you also know that just one single dose of an NSAID increases the risk of a stroke, heart attack, and gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding?

Not to mention other dangerous side effects like ulcers, liver and kidney dysfunction…

In 2018, the journal of Aging and Disease reported that folks over 65 – yes, the very people who need pain relief most – have a 400% greater risk of stomach bleeding with any type of NSAID.

And in 2015, FDA deputy director Dr. Judy Racoosin admitted NSAIDs are SO dangerous that “There is no period of use shown to be without risk.”

That’s why the FDA itself slapped a “black box warning” on every NSAID sold, warning of potential heart attacks and strokes.

In other words, it’s kind of like you’re playing Russian Roulette every single time you pop a pill.

Like many of us, you might be looking for a different way to ease your daily aches and pains.

One potential solution to discuss with your doctor is dimethyl sulfoxide, or DMSO.

DMSO was actually discovered in kind of a weird way… as a byproduct of paper manufacturing in the late 1800s.

It’s a colorless liquid that is most notable for its incredible ability to penetrate the skin and other body membranes – just a drop on the skin disappears almost instantly.

Nowadays, DMSO is being researched for a variety of medical conditions, including its ability to reduce pain or to “transport” other pain-relieving substances right to the source of the pain.

For more information, you can find out how DMSO could work for your pain in a new video from one of our partners.

To watch, click the video image below or go HERE.

Chapter 5: Poop Like A Snake

Note: Chapter 5 includes a message from one of our partners. It’s about how, believe it or not, the way you poop could radically transform your health. Please consider what they have to say…

If you are not “pooping like a snake” (I’ll explain below) every day, then you need to patch the leaks in your colon immediately because you may have just found the cause of any low-energy, gas, bloating, digestive issues, and weight gain you’ve experienced lately.

Pooping properly daily is the best way for your body to eliminate the toxins at the root of so many problems, so if you’re not pooping properly every day, that toxic build-up can be where all that fatigue, farting, bloating, pain, and weight gain are coming from.

But more important than all of that is that this is not about pooping more.

      • Laxatives will not help here.
      • Neither will fiber supplements.

This is about pooping better… or pooping perfectly as I like to say.

You know you are pooping perfectly when you poop daily, it looks like a snake, and the process of pooping is a pleasant experience you will look forward to. In other words, here’s your 3-step “perfect poop” quiz / checklist:

        1. Did I poop today?
        2. Did it look like a snake?
        3. Was it a pleasant experience?

If you don’t answer yes to each of these… you probably have lots of dangerous toxins getting backed-up in your colon and gut and causing all sorts of painful problems.

So how do you poop perfectly and literally flush all these painful problems down the toilet?

Laxatives? No.

Fiber supplements? No.

Probiotics? No.

There is only one way: Healing your lower colon.

That’s why laxatives and fiber supplements “help you” poop uncontrollably and painfully, but they do nothing to help you poop perfectly. It’s also why nothing has really changed since you started taking probiotics. None of these things heal the problems in your lower colon that prevent perfect poops and cause pounds of toxic build-up in your gut.

Fiber and probiotics are like putting fuel into a broken engine… it will never work!

But fortunately, there is ONE little-known “breakfast” nutrient that in as little as 30 seconds can help solve the lower colon problems preventing perfect poops. It is a specific form of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that is nearly impossible to get into your lower colon until you know about a recent medical breakthrough.

While fiber-rich foods can be converted into short-chain fatty acids by your body, this is a very inefficient process that causes a lot of gas, bloating, and digestive discomfort. It’s also nearly impossible to practically eat enough fiber to get a “healing dose” of short-chain fatty acids into your colon.

If you try to take conventional digestive or SCFAs supplements, basically all of them get destroyed by your digestive system… killed off way before they reach your lower colon.

But this short-chain fatty acid secret discovered by medical doctors fixed all of this. They found a way to get the most powerful short-chain fatty acid into your lower colon. They invented a sort of “shield” that allows these most powerful short-chain fatty acids to survive digestion and then get released into your lower colon where they can help the healing that gives you the perfect poops that get rids of those toxins at the root of low-energy, gas, bloating, digestive issues, and weight gain.

It’s been secretly used in Hollywood since January, and I thanked God when we were able to get access to this patented “shielded” source of SCFAs because it is perfecting poops and dropping dress sizes in as little as 36 hours!

I want to make sure you can access this breakthrough too, but before I do, let me share the results from recent studies on this that may blow your mind. In these studies, people who unlocked the power of this most powerful lower-colon healing “shielded” SCFA:

      1. Lost 350% more fat and much of that was deadly belly fat.
      2. Reported fewer cravings, reduced hunger, and had a reduction in diabetes risk because of improved insulin levels.
      3. Showed a loss of over 10% of total body weight and in just 5 weeks!

So if pleasant perfect daily poops and the elimination of excess belly fat, cravings, hunger, diabetes risk, fatigue, gas, constipation, diarrhea, and bloating sound good…

Help your lower colon OVERNIGHT with 2 FREE bottles of these instant perfect poop shielded SCFAs here >> (Start pooping perfectly while dropping pants sizes this week!)

While certain celebrities have been secretly doing this for a while, it really hit home when my 73-year-old mother used this to drop 3 dress sizes in 2 weeks, which not only helped reverse high cholesterol, blood pressure, and diabetes issues but also forced her to buy a whole new wardrobe!

      • Imagine 17 pounds gone with ZERO change in diet or exercise.
      • Imagine shrinking a big tummy in 24 hours.
      • Imagine never having to spend another cent on expensive laxatives, fiber supplements, or probiotics.
      • Imagine pooping perfectly for the rest of your life.

It’s not just possible, it’s easy when you get these patented short-chain fatty acids into your lower colon.

Most people feel and see the results in the first week… if not the first two days. So please help us celebrate this breakthrough solution that is helping tens of thousands of people all across the USA by…

==>> Getting 2 FREE bottles of this 17-second “lower colon poop fix” here (while supplies last)

Chapter 6: Feel Happier Every Day

If you’re suffering from anxiety, you know it can absolutely hijack your life.

Maybe you’re just feeling tense and “on edge” all day… almost like you’re constantly holding a live wire.

Or maybe you just have trouble controlling your racing thoughts or worries.

But some of the prescription drugs for anxiety can be downright dangerous for seniors. Researchers have been sounding the alarm against the use of benzodiazepine drugs (such as clonazepam, alprazolam and lorazepam) for older patients.

And even the American Geriatrics Society has warned against them as a first-line treatment, because of the risk of accidents, falls and fractures.

That’s why it makes sense to talk to your doctor about passionflower, a centuries-old natural remedy that’s been shown to help fight anxiety.

In fact, it works so well that it’s even been used to calm patients before surgery.

Shutting Down the Worry

Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is a flowering vine that was used for centuries as medicine by both the Aztecs and Native Americans.

But it actually got its current name from a group of Catholic priests in the 1500s. They thought that different parts of the flower represented the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

Passionflower was reportedly even sent as a gift to Pope Paul V in 1605.

But these days, passionflower is getting a lot of attention for its ability to help with irritability, stress and anxiety.

The U.S. federal government has been slow to embrace natural remedies. And with our Big Pharma-dominated medical system, that’s no surprise.

But the Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products of the European Medicines Agency (which advises countries in the European Union) says that “on the basis of its long-standing use… passionflower preparations can be used for the relief of mild symptoms of mental stress and to aid sleep.”

Speaking of mental stress… how about the mental stress you face right before surgery, where a million anxious thoughts and worries are going through your mind?

Well, Middle Eastern researchers took a group of 60 patients who were scheduled for surgery. Ninety minutes before their operations, they were given either a passionflower extract or a placebo.

The passionflower group saw SIGNIFICANT decreases in their pre-surgery anxiety… and researchers started seeing results in as little as 10 MINUTES!

Talk about FAST relief!

In another study published in the Journal of Anesthesia, researchers got practically the same results.

They gave patients passionflower extract before they received spinal anesthesia (which can be incredibly nerve-wracking).

The passionflower helped the patients keep their anxiety in check.

The authors wrote that passionflower “suppresses the increase in anxiety before spinal anesthesia.”

Now, that all sounds really good, but how does passionflower work for just regular, everyday anxiety?

Well, in a 2001 study published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics, researchers studied 36 patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

GAD is severe, ongoing anxiety that can interfere with your daily activities.

For four weeks, patients got either 45 drops a day of a passion- flower tincture, or 30 mg a day of the drug oxazepam.

Passionflower performed as well as the drug oxazepam, and the researchers concluded that passionflower was effective “for the management of generalized anxiety disorder.”

Now, this was a small study. But the fact that passionflower matched oxazepam is a big deal. Oxazepam is one of those benzodiazepine drugs I told you about… where many researchers question their safety for seniors.

Just SOME of the potential side effects with oxazepam include:

      • Drowsiness
      • Dizziness
      • Weakness
      • Stomach upset and diarrhea
      • Trouble urinating
      • Blurred vision

If passionflower could potentially help keep you off of a drug like this, then it’s well worth talking to your doctor about.

And passionflower is pretty easy to find online through suppliers like NOW Foods, Piping Rock, Amazon, and Solaray.

Chapter 7: Drop That Extra Weight

Excess body fat is a killer.

It is linked to diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Plus, it contributes to back and joint pain… and in general just makes you feel bad about yourself.

If you’ve gained weight as you got older, you’re certainly not alone.

More than a 1/3 of adults over 65 are now considered obese.

And it’s not your fault… biology is working against us!

Between ages 50 and 65, we usually expend less energy, but we eat the same. That leads to weight gain.

Then it gets worse… after age 65 hormonal changes in our bodies make us gain fat.

Not to mention there are genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors in play.

So, what can you do?

Well, there are some special considerations for losing weight as we get older, but, in general, the old standbys still apply…

To lose weight you’ll need to start burning more calories than you take in.

That means either increasing your activity level or eating fewer calories – or both.

But this “calorie deficit” can make you sluggish and hungry.

That’s a big reason diets fail – they make you feel miserable.

Try to offset this by eating more energy-rich, lower-calories foods, like veggies, fruits, whole grains, fish, beans, and lean meat and poultry.

Here are 4 tips for losing weight as you get older…

  1. Don’t starve yourself

Make sure you’re doing only a moderate reduction of calories – because otherwise you could actually sabotage your own efforts.

You see, one of the challenges of losing weight as we age is our slowing metabolism.

However, if you starve yourself, your metabolism is going to get even slower.

Outsmart your metabolism by eating more, smaller meals.

Try eating a small meal or healthy snack every 3 hours (instead of 2 or 3 large meals a day).

That can help keep your metabolism up, while making you feel less hungry.

  1. Get stronger

Muscle burns calories – and we lose muscle mass as we get older.

One way to help burn fat is to increase your muscle mass.

See the first chapter of this report for a tip to supercharge your muscle-building.

Note: If you haven’t exercised for a long time, or have never lifted weights before, make sure you get some expert guidance before you start (and check with your doctor before starting any new fitness or exercise program).

Then, consider starting a supervised weight-training program.

Or talk to someone knowledgeable – like a personal trainer – about how to do it at home.

And be sure you’re eating enough protein to help build muscles. About one gram of daily protein for every 2.2 lbs of body weight should do the trick.

Protein also helps you feel full longer, which makes eating healthier easier.

Good sources of dietary protein include wild-caught salmon, eggs, organic whey protein powder, and grass-fed beef.

  1. Drink plenty of water

Sometimes when you think you’re hungry, it’s actually because you’re thirsty. Make sure you’re getting those 8 glasses (64 ounces) of water a day.

  1. Get some help

Interested in a system proven to help people lose weight… with chocolate?

If so, one of our partners has a message you will want to read below…

Top researchers from Harvard Medicine recently discovered that certain types of chocolate have TONS of hidden health benefits… including incredible fat burning potential? 

Don’t just take my word for it, go here to see some of the women who discovered this secret slimming trick and lost over 10 lbs with chocolate!

Like this 56 year old mother of 11, who went from a sturdy size 12 to a svelte size 2 thanks to this surprising health hack!! 

And Steph, who dropped over 20 lbs around her stomach, hips, and thighs – the typical area where fat gravitates on women over 40 — and never gained any back!

>>CLICK HERE <<  to see their photos and lose at least 10 lbs with chocolate! 

Chapter 8: Boost Your Daily Energy

Ever heard of “mitochondria”?

If you think back to science class, maybe they sound familiar.

Mitochondria are microscopic structures found inside our cells.

You have a lot of them.

About 37 trillion (that’s 37,000,000,000,000).

And they have a really important job – they transform the food we eat into energy.

In fact, mitochondria provide 99% of the energy in our entire bodies.

You can think of mitochondria as tiny “powerplants” that power our cells and organs.

They’re so important, Harvard Medical School says mitochondria are linked to every single function of your body that keeps you alive.

And when we’re young, they work great… pumping out gobs and gobs of all-day energy.

Remember how much energy you had in high school?

That’s when your mitochondria were working at peak efficiency… churning out all the energy you could ever need.

Of course, things change over time.

Your mitochondria don’t work as well when you get older.

They break down and stop working.

They stop making all the energy your body needs to repair its organs, for your cells to create new, young cells…and to have the energy to do the things you used to be able to do.

Instead, we get old and feeble. And we’re more susceptible to diseases.

Our failing mitochondria are a major reason we get old.

In fact, we lose about 5% of our energy every 10 years. Decade after decade, our energy is dropping…

And it’s directly linked to our dying mitochondria.

A 5-year-old child’s mitochondria are essentially perfect… but 95% of a 90-year-old’s mitochondria are damaged or broken.

And it’s easy to see the difference in energy between a bouncing-off-the-walls 5-year-old child, and someone who’s 90.

Also, studies have linked having a lot of healthy mitochondria to living past 100 years of age.

Scientists don’t fully know yet why our mitochondria break down as we get older.

But they are learning that things like pollution, cell phone radiation, pesticides and toxins in our food and water could all be making it worse.

So, what can you do?

“Stardust” Vitamin Restores Mitochondria

Did you know there’s a natural nutrient – a type of vitamin – that does something amazing?

It actually restores mitochondria so they can start making energy again.

Scientists call this vitamin Pyrroloquinoline quinone or “PQQ”.

PQQ is found all over our universe. It’s even been found in stardust from space!

Here on earth, it’s made by certain soil bacteria. It is then absorbed by plants – and that’s how it gets into our food.

PQQ is actually found in every plant and animal… but your body doesn’t make PQQ.

So you must get it through your food or from supplements.

Here’s why PQQ is so important:

When cells are “fed” PQQ, the mitochondria start multiplying… filling the cells with new energy-creating powerplants.

Listen to this: A team of researchers at the University of California – Davis found that PQQ seems to work by “turning on” genes in mice that are related to energy metabolism in cells.

In a different study, a PQQ deficiency in juvenile mice resulted in a 20%-30% reduction of mitochondria in liver cells, plus elevated blood sugar.

But when PQQ was added back into the mice’s diets, the mice grew NEW mitochondria.

And there’s so much more PQQ does…

First of all, it has powerful effects on older brains.

Animal and human research shows it:

      • Helps protect against Parkinson’s Disease
      • It also protects against brain damage after a stroke
      • It even helps stop some of the brain diseases brought on by getting older

And if you’re getting a little older, it could even improve your memory.

In a double-blind study on a group of 65 middle-aged and elderly people, 20 mg per day of PQQ resulted in improved cognitive function. This included showing better short-term memory.

The improvements in memory were even better when the subjects also took 300 mg per day of CoQ10 (CoQ10 seems to improve the bioavailability of PQQ).

That’s still not all.

PQQ even helps protects your heart from damage after a heart attack.

And it could even make your life a whole lot better.

In a small study on 17 men and women suffering from fatigue, supplementing with PQQ improved sleep quality and duration.

Not only that, but the participants’ mood was improved.

They felt less tired, and they reported better quality of life related to appetite, sleep, and pain.

Live Longer with PQQ?

As you’ve seen, PQQ appears to have so many benefits for your health as you get older.

But could it help someone live longer?

PQQ is an incredibly powerful antioxidant – meaning it protects cells and organs from the damage caused by free radicals, a major contributor to aging.

In fact, in some markers of antioxidant power, PQQ is up to 5,000 times stronger than vitamin C.

Scientists believe that’s one of the ways that PQQ could possibly help increase lifespan.

So far, we only have animal studies to look at.

Two different studies have now been done on C. elegans, a type of worm.

It has a very short lifespan, so scientists often use this kind of worm for longevity testing.

In both studies, supplementing the animals with PQQ increased their lifespan by 30%.

Now, of course, you’re not a worm and neither am I.

So we can’t draw many human conclusions from a 30% increase in lifespan in a worm – but the research is ongoing and it’s certainly interesting.

The National Academy of Sciences has gone so far as to call PQQ a “longevity vitamin.”

And so has Dr. Bruce Ames, biochemistry professor at University of California – Berkeley.

He also said that optimal levels of PQQ, along with some other nutrients (including CoQ10), are “necessary for promoting healthy aging.”

How Can I Get PQQ?

If you’re interested in supplementing with PQQ, it’s readily available on Amazon, in health stores, and many other online retailers.

Most supplements seem to offer 10 mg servings – though the human studies I looked at typically used 20 mg daily.

Studies have shown you can enhance the effects of PQQ by taking it with CoQ10 – which is another important nutrient.

As always, talk to your doctor before making any changes to your healthcare.

Chapter 9: Dump the Junk Science

One of our partners, Natural Health Response with Dr. Richard Gerhauser, MD, has published a report on the “junk medicine” Dr. Gerhauser says is ruining senior’s lives.

This includes being told to eat all veggies…

He says you could be risking your brain!

Or how we’re told to exercise like crazy…

He says too much exercise could actually harm you (he has a better solution)…

Or how the “aspirin a day” advice could be junk medicine…

And he has a better way to help protect your heart.

And that’s just the start.

He also has exciting information on…

How to have mind-blowing sex after 60 with the steamy “Sex Tea” husbands and wives can share…

The weird bathroom trick that can flush your risk of colon cancer right down the pipes…

The 1 health food you should NEVER eat if you want to lose weight…

Doctor’s easy secret to LIMITLESS energy (it’s right on page 39)

That’s still not all.

He’s also giving away a valuable free gift to seniors…

>>Click here to watch Dr. Gerhauser’s presentation now.






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